Ruxz_M-rbu5hJUPoenSULdy6Wzk The Science of My Life: The VOICE article

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The VOICE article

Here is a link to the article that ran today in The Voice, another local paper.  I wish she would have included the comments from campers, but I am grateful for any chance to "Cell-ebrate Science!"  That's what Bill's shirt says in the picture.  The story behind those shirts is nothing short of amazing.  I saw them online from a group called "Science Wear", during camp week.  They happen to be based in Fort Worth.  I mentioned to my mom how I wish I had found them a week earlier.  That was on Tuesday morning.  I had a box of shirts at my house by Wednesday afternoon.  She had found them, called them, ordered shirts, called my cousin to pick them up, met my cousin at Fedex, and had the box shipped by 6 PM that day.  I love my mom!

Today I did a little show at a summer school for migrant students.  They were so great!  I get to go back next week and do some chemistry with them.  Can't wait! 

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